Timothy Goes to School Wiki
Scary Monsters

"Scary Monsters" is the fifthteenth episode of Timothy Goes to School.


Nora is frightened of the dinosaurs the class will be preparing to visit during their field trip to the museum.


Henry is washing the bus when he hears a scary roar from inside the classroom nearby, much to his amusement. Inside, the scary noises are revealed to be from dinosaurs in a slideshow. The students guess the dinosaurs as they are displayed, and Timothy eagerly asks if they can go to the Museum today. Mrs. Jenkins assures him that tomorrow will come soon enough, and he happens to notice Nora looks afraid. He asks what she's doing but she claims she dropped her pencil. Timothy loans him hers so she won't miss any dinosaurs, but Nora quickly ducks beneath the table again when the last one is shown.

The children excitedly draw and discuss their favorite dinosaurs -T-rex for Claude, diplodcous for Timothy, pterodactyl for Lilly, stegosaurus for the Franks, and brachiosaurus for Yoko- but Nora has trouble when they begin to ask for her opinions. During recess the class is impressed when Claude names various dinosaurs he knows the names of, then the Franks discover dinosaur tracks, much to everyone's amazement (except Nora's). Nora refuses to follow the tracks at first until Timothy claims to know who made them, and they follow the track to find Henry at the bus waiting for them. Timothy makes a dinosaur noise and motion and tells Nora to guess who he is, but she refuses and leaves. The children think this is strange because Nora usually loves to play games like this, but they get distracted as they resume their game.

Back in class, Fritz digs a fossil inside some kind of block. The Franks act like a dinosaur in their painting, and Mrs. Jenkins pretends to be scared. Lily paints a "Pretendosaurus" which catches Nora's attention, and she giggles realizing it is very friendly, having flower petals around its head and only eating grapefruit. She feels a little better until Lilly notices that she didn't paint any dinosaurs in her own picture. She painted a cave, a bush, and a tree. Lilly wonders if its hiding somewhere but Nora pays her little mind.

Mrs. Jenkins hands permission slips to the children, thanking them for a wonderful day as they board the bus. There, Lilly tells herself not to lose it as Timothy brings up having his mother sign it the moment he arrives home. Yoko asks him how many dinosaurs he thinks they will see at the science museum but Nora begins worrying after he replies "hundreds" (hundreds, maybe thousands or millions --in other words "many dinosaurs".

At home, Nora's father signs her permission slip and promises that after their school trip tomorrow, he will take the family to the science museum on another day. This makes Nora feel better, but not over tomorrow. Her mom comes by to tell Nora its time for a bath and that she has to go to bed soon to prepare for her field trip tomorrow.

In the morning, to Nora's chagrin, Jack splashes his cereal around and her mother tries to encourage her to try some Dino Crunch cereal that she picked up. Nora refuses and her dad hands her lunch, bringing up that he made a special surprise for her- but she cannot see it until lunch.

At lunch, Mrs. Jenkins tells the children to buddy up and Mrs. Appleberry advises the children to look out for their buddies, her, Mrs. Jenkins, or a security guard if they need help. Timothy offers to be Nora's buddy and this calms her down a little as they take out their lunches. Timothy is very excited to finish but he gets distracted by the dinosaur-shaped jelly sandwich Nora's dad made. She is dismayed by this and offers to give it to Timothy, eating the egg saalad sandwich he got despite how much she hates them. She only traded it because she dislikes dinosaurs even more; and this surprises Timothy. He asks about it and she confesses that because she's so small, dinosaurs are very big and scary to her.

After lunch, Timothy discusses Nora's fear with Yoko, Charles, Doris, and the Franks. Doris offers the fact that she is afraid of spiders in hopes of bonding with Nora but Charles tries to assure her that spiders aren't so scary. Timothy agrees with dinosaurs, pointing out that they died a long time ago, and he wants Nora to be able to enjoy herself during the trip so they should help her. Just then Yoko finds a book and shows it to him.

Once they arrive at the science museum, everyone gets off the bus but Henry and Nora. Nora expresses fear, so Timothy decides to stay with Nora. She tells him to go but he refuses, causing Mrs. Jenkins to ask if everything is okay. Timothy assures her it is and Nora finally agrees to come with him as long as he holds her hand. He promises and they step off the bus together, causing the others to applaud for them.

In the science museum, Timothy and Nora get to the dinosaur hall. He sees how anxious Nora is and introduces her to the "Megazostrodon". Nora is frightened by its large name, but she's shocked to find out it's actually very small. Timothy brings up how Yoko discovered it in a book earlier and realizing that it's not that scary, Nora realizes that maybe dinosaurs are fun after all, and Timothy offers to show her more.

That night, Nora excitedly discusses the trip and asks her parents if they can go back soon.



  • Charles is only half-right when he says spiders aren't dangerous. There are lethal species that can harm or make people sick if they are bitten by them.
  • Lilly references the episode "Don't Lose It Lilly", saying the episodes name at one point.


